Prayer Concern Prayer Concerns
Martin & Shelbyville UMCs
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Prayer Concerns

 Updated April 28, 2024
Molly Mentzer – Cancer
Jeff Oldebeken – Health
Those battling active addiction and those in recovery.
Ernie Sunnerville- Health
Larry Mattox – Cancer diagnosis and treatment
Ronda Kelly - pray for healing
Patti Jarvis – Health/Cancer Diagnosis
Sherri Fewless – Health Issues
Chip – Recovering from seizures
Les Lynema – Leukemia
Randy Yeo – Blood disorder
Stan Town – bladder cancer
Linda Reese – cancer diagnosis
Shaylee Elkins – Cancer diagnosis
Martin UMC – Children’s Church
Judy Shafer – Health
Tracey Buskirk – Health
Greg Cowan – Liver Transplant
Remy Jane Colburn – Brain Tumor
Ron Conley – Heart issue
Jeremy Gilkison – Brain Surgery 
James Cole - Health
Renata Moneta -Health
Bruno Moneta - Rehavilitation
The Family of Mike Kidd – Mike passed away recently
John Fenner – Health
Samantha and Tony 
Wayland student who lost their mother
Outlook Academy Students and Staff
The Family of Barb Little – Barb passed away recently
Kathy Scobey – surgery
Jason Arnsmen – knee injury
Whitey Meyers – Under Hospice care
The family of Kim Burky – Kim passed away recently 
Terry Thompson – Health
Karen Baker – Health
The family of Joyce Nauseida – Joyce passed away recently
Lindsey Folk – India Mission Trip 
Jim Stoken – Surgery recovery 
Catherine Blanchard – Health 
Chery Tuinstra – Health
Elaine Ondersma – Cataract Surgery